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Pork, Beans and Tomato Jam

Pork, Beans and Tomato Jam


Pork Rib Roast - 4-6 bones

1 1/2 pounds fresh cranberry beans, shelled

1 medium onion, diced

1 basket orange cherry tomatoes

6 tbsp butter

1 garlic clove, crushed

1/4 cup mirin (Japanese cooking wine)



Crushed red pepper (if desired)


Start a charcoal fire, separating coals in piles on both sides of grill for indirect heat.  Pour hickory (or other type) of wood chips into bowl and soak with water.

In a six quart saucepan, add cranberry beans and cover with water by 2 inches and bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer so it is gently bubbling.

Cook until beans are tender, about one hour, and remove from heat and drain.

In a small saucepan over low heat, add 4 tablespoons of butter and mirin.

When butter melts, add tomatoes, garlic and red pepper (if desired).  Cook, stirring occasionally, until tomatoes have melted and the entire mixture thickens, about 40 minutes.  Add salt to taste.

While these are cooking, remove pork from refrigerator and pat dry.  Score the fatty side until meat is just exposed and season liberally with your favorite spice rub (for better results, do this a day ahead and wrap until using).  Place roast on grill over indirect heat and roast.  Add a handful of coals to each pile every 30 minutes while cooking to maintain heat.  Add a small handful of soaked wood chips to each pile of coals every 30 minutes for smoky flavor.  When a meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion of roast (not touching the bone!) reaches 135 degrees, remove from grill and let rest.

While pork is resting, melt remaining 2 tablespoons of butter to skillet on medium low heat, add onions and cook until soft, about 15 minutes.  Add cranberry beans and continue cooking until beans are hot.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Reheat tomato mixture if needed.

Remove bones from roast and separate, then toss with some additional spice rub.  Slice pork into 1/2 inch thick steaks. 

Arrange all items on large platter and serve.  Feeds 4-6 for a main course.


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