We love custom projects!
We can add a simple name drop to one of our stock designs, add a logo, reproduce a full color graphic or even create an original design. We can help you raise money for an event, create a high value corporate gift, or make a custom product for your retail store or site.
Send us your artwork or idea and we will make a virtual sample for your review at no cost.
All our product line is customizable. Review our website for all of the product choices. Order as few as 48 pieces with a one time set-up fee and no custom print charges.
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step one Browse our website and choose the product(s) you are interested in. step two Search the layouts below and click to download or print the appropriate layout. step three Email or fax the above layout how you imagine your custom item to look. Fax us at 707.837.0199 or email to step four Refer to the layout page for dimensions and orientation. Provide us your original art, logo, or image at a minimum 150 dpi resolution. We accept ai, jpeg, pdf, or psd files. We will create a |
Accessorize your canvas canteen with cross body shoulder strap. Make it vintage style with an aluminum cap and chain, or add a 1 oz shot glass or silicone cap to the 500 ml and 750 ml sizes.
For additional information contact us at or call 707.837.8880.